August 30th, 2024

Oral and Poster Abstract submission

is now closed


Aug. 31st, 2024

Oral and Poster Abstract acceptance




Keynote speakers will provide their view for each of our strategic topics. The Organizing Committee warmly invites you to submit abstracts in which researchers have the opportunity to present their recent results to share at the WACEM24 in Rome.

  • Presentations must be Original and must have either Data, Cases and or Presenter Experiences.
  • The Scientific Committee will select Oral Presentations based on the grading of the abstracts. The remaining abstracts accepted will be presented in Poster Sessions.
  • Resuscitation, Shock, Vital Organs Dysfunction, Metabolic Disturbances
  • Basic Sciences, Epigenetics, Molecular Biology, Biomarkers, Inflammation Biology
  • Toxicology
  • Emergency, Trauma and Critical Illness Nursing
  • Nurses, Telemedicine and Technologies
  • Stroke, Sepsis and Acute Cardiology
  • Health Wellness
  • Burnout
  • Crisis Leadership
  • Disaster Medicine
  • Toxicology
  • Migration Medicine
  • General Medical Emergencies, Critical Illness and Injuries
  • Geriatrics, Paediatrics & Neonatal Emergencies
  • Women and Emergency Clinical Conditions and Care
  • Technology Transformations
  • Emergencies in patients with special needs
  • Global Research Networking
  • Multi-Centre, International Research Programming
  • Big Data
  • Operations Management
  • Patient Safety and Health Provider Safety
  • Quality Care
  • Economics of Patient Care
  • Access to Patient Care: Challenges and Solutions
  • Case Report of Interesting, Complicated or Rare Cases
  • Interventions which Made an impact on patient care and personal life
  • Life Goals of Physicians and All Health Care Providers
  • Life Changing Interventions and Strategies
  • Personal Experiences which can help educate others.
  • Clinical data which can help others care better for themselves and their patients.
  • Multidisciplinary Team Working for Integrated Care in the Emergency Medicine Department
  • Emergency Clinical Pharmacy
Submission Instructions

Abstracts must be submitted through the Online Submission Form published in this website.
Abstracts must be submitted in English which is the official language of the Congress.
Submitted abstracts must be original. Abstracts previously published or presented at another international scientific meeting should not be submitted.

Once your abstract has been successfully submitted, the submitter will receive an automatic confirmation receipt by email. If you do not receive this confirmation within 24 hours (make sure you check your spam folder), please contact: abs@fullday.com

All correspondence concerning abstracts will be sent to Submitter email address.

Abstract Content
You can create your abstract text with any text editor, have it ready in advance and paste it in the abstract form. We strongly recommend that you do not use any Greek letters, but instead their plain text counterparts: “Delta” instead of “Δ “, etc. Please DO NOT capitalize each letter of title and names. Please follow the following guidelines:
  • The abstract (excluding the title) should be  maximum 250 words. A bibliography is not required for abstract submission.
  • Please do not insert any image, illustration or table in the abstract
  • Abstracts should be in structural format: “introduction and purpose”, “Materials and Methods”, “Results and Conclusions”
  • At least 3 “Keywords” must be specified.
  • If abbreviation is used in the abstract, the abbreviation should be stated in parentheses in the first place where the full name is mentioned.
Abstract Title

Make the title of the abstract brief, clearly indicating the nature of the work. Limited to 25 words, preferably.

  • The title must be in lowercase, with a capital at the beginning
  • Do not use any small capitals or all capitals in the title
  • Do not use any asterisks or notes
  • Do not include any abbreviations. Every word should be spelled
Author and Co-authors

Author name (bold) and co-authors name: full first name, middle name initial(s) and full family name – followed by the number corresponding to credential details listed below.

Credentials details: Medical Profession, Company/Institution, City, State (if relevant), Country

(Author: person who will make the presentation at the Workshop)

Letter of Acceptance
  • After the abstract evaluation process, acceptance letters will be sent to the author e-mail address
  • The author who will present the accepted abstract must have completed the registration process until September 15, 2024, otherwise the work will not be included in the abstract book and not evaluated for publication.
Abstract and Paper Publication

Abstracts accepted for oral or poster presentation will be published before the Congress in the Abstract Book in one of the following Journals:
Eurasian Journal of Emergency Medicine 
Mediterranean Journal of Emergency Medicine 

Selected Distinguished Oral and Poster Presentations will have an opportunity to publish their original work in any of the WACEM24 Partnered High Impact Journals.
Please inform if you wish that your abstract will be evaluated for Paper publication.
The papers will be submitted to Peer review by the Publishing Editor.

The full paper must be emailed to the Scientific Secretariat before the Congress or presented at the Congress. The author must be registered to the congress.

Selected Journals for Paper Publication


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