Important Information for Speakers

Faculty and Oral Presentations Template at this link

Poster Template at this link


All meeting rooms are equipped with necessary equipment for data/video projection and audio system with microphones at the speakers table and handheld microphones for questions from the audience. Personal laptops are not allowed for presentations.


A ‘speaker ready room’ will be located close to the Auditorium.
Presenters can use the room to check their presentations and they will have a PC at disposal to revise their presentation, if they wish.
Speakers are kindly asked to deliver their presentation on USB flash drive, at least 2 hours in advance with reference to the beginning of their session, wherever possible. Your presentation will be checked by the technical staff and uploaded to the central system to be projected in one of the Meeting rooms.


Ratio: The aspect ratio of your presentation should be 16:9.
Filename: The name of the presentation file should include the presenter’s surname (family name) and the presentation title. To avoid any compatibility problems, please use western writing characters – do not use special characters (e.g. «, Ö, Ø, ñ, ε, ®, ý, }, { etc.) to name your presentation.
Format: Presentation files will be accepted in Microsoft Office Power Point format only – .PPTX so that animations, videos, font are included in the same file.
Macintosh users should note that Macs can write a PC-formatted readable USB flash drive. Presenters using other software should save their presentations in Power Point compatible with the a/m software. It is strongly recommended to test all files created with Microsoft Office (for Mac) at the Speaker Ready Room well in advance before your presentation starts.
Saving files: The presentation has to be saved on a USB flash drive or an external hard disk.
Please note there is no facility to use your own computer for delivering a presentation.
Presenter mode will not be available during your presentation. Please print your notes in advance.


All speakers must be in their session room at least 5’ before the start of the session and identify themselves to the session chairpersons. In order to ensure the smooth running of sessions, speakers are asked to ensure that they adhere to their timings.
Chairperson will monitor presentation timekeeping and notify speaker of remaining time. Should the speaker run over the allotted time, he/she will be asked to move to the final slide for a courtesy to the next speaker.
Once all the speakers have delivered their presentations, a panel discussion with questions from the audience will follow. The session chair will moderate the discussion and will close the session at the indicated program time.


The Organising Committee will prize the best oral and poster presentations during the Closing Session on November 8th. Prices will be assigned on the basis of the following selection criteria:

  • Scientific Content/Quality
  • Originality
  • Design / Layout / Clarity / Self-Explanatory
  • Relevance for Routine Application
  • Personal Presentation (Answering Questions)


Selected Distinguished Oral and Poster Presentations will have an opportunity to publish their original work in any of the WACEM24 Partnered High Impact Journals.
Upon abstract submission, some of you have confirmed you wish that your abstract will be evaluated for Paper publication. The papers will be submitted to Peer review by the Publishing Editor.
Additional information will be available after the Congress. The author must be registered to the congress


Posters are required to be posted on Wednesday, 6th November from 9:00am.
Presenters are responsible to remove their poster on Friday, 8th November, after the closing session.

OFFICIAL POSTER SESSIONS – authors are invited to stand by their work and answer questions from the workshop participants during time dedicated to Poster view as indicated in the programme.
Do not forget to include your email address and your telephone number during the Congress in Rome, for somebody interested in discussing the content with you during or after the Congress.


Your presentation must be prepared in English, the official language of the Congress.

Pdf copy
Please provide a pdf copy of your poster to the conference secretariat at Your poster will be available for the participants after the event, in the Congress website.

Poster board and size
Poster presenters are recommended to print  their poster at standards size 70cm (width) x 100cm (height).
Each poster space will be numbered according to the Presentation ID. Be sure to place your work on the board space numbered for your own poster, as assigned in the final program you will receive at the Congress.
Material for attaching your poster will be provided exclusively by organizers (neither pins nor scotch tape are allowed).

Suggestions for the text and content
Your poster (text, figures, photographs) should be readable from a distance of 1.5 m; use the adequate font size.
It is important to maintain a good contrast between the background colour and the text; suggested a light colour background and a dark text.

Be simple and direct in your poster presentation. Use short phrases and/or “bulleted” text. Avoid long narrative paragraphs.

The posters should be organized to include the following elements:
Introduction: Concise statement of the objective and background of the work.
Main core: description of analytical methods (apparatus, chemistry, samples, materials, etc. in some, but not overwhelming detail) or information on the research. Include the results in graphs, spectra, pictures, etc., with a minimum of text.
Conclusions: concise statement of the findings (positive as well as negative) and possible future research directions.

For any questions related to the programme or your oral or poster presentation, please contact the congress secretariat organizers at

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